Meyer - Erickson for President/Senior Vice President

Help us get elected. Got an idea? Post it here, and help us stay in touch with what is important to Biola.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Day - 6 late night platform

It's getting late, but I've been getting emails from people who would like to hear a little bit more about our positions and platform. To sum up very briefly what we're all about, I'll give 5 beliefs.

1. We believe that because Biola is a Christian University, we should have a dual emphasis in what we promote as AS - Pure Christianity and Scholarly Excellence.

2. We believe that Christianity should be developed in an exciting atmosphere that engages the whole person - both the mind and the body.

3. Concerts, interest clubs, and the arts alongside internships, competition, and scholarship is the best way to "give" to the student and overcome a feeling of being "taken" from.

4. Scholarship involves understanding every major's importance in the body of Christ and implies that there is no hierarchy of holiness amongst majors and not everyone is born to be a pastor.

5. Our experience in management, 6+ years of full-time Christian ministry, and an intense personal desire to have Biola live up to or exceed the amazing heritage we have received put Kevin and I in a unique position to step into the roll of leading AS.

Thank you to whoever has read this. Please vote on Monday and tell all your friends.

Raise other people's level of awareness to your level of concern and you will help win this election. Thanks


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