Meyer - Erickson for President/Senior Vice President

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Thursday, April 07, 2005

Day 4 - Push through the end

Well, last night went really well. Kevin and I and a small group of loyal friends (thanks guys you know who you are) had the chance to do some pretty serious campaigning hitting up Alpha, Stewart, and Emerson (only a bit). After that, Kevin talked to people walking around campus and I went to the Guerilla Film Society and listened to Mark Joseph speak on films and spoke to the people there, which went great!

The thing is, next year could be really fun. People always ask me why I want to run and I wish I could just say, "because of the incredible opportunity to enjoy life and make life more exciting". But that's not very serious I suppose...

The moral of the story is this, Kevin and I can do this job we just need your help to get people to think about why they are voting. I believe quite strongly that if you can have a conversation with people about our campaign most of them will end up voting for us. We have good plans, tangible goals, and plan to win. So help us win, talk to your friends about our ideas and let's make next year a year to remember and one that students care about.


At 1:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you guys just make this to copy lindsey and taylor? it seems like you guys are just trying to do everything that they have already done, the leaflets, cookies, tshirts, and website. i donno, just seems lame.

At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh huh.
Well, since you seem to be concerned, here are a few facts you should consider before making any rash accusations:
1. I have it on good authority that the cookies were in the works since before Sunday morning, when I talked to them about it before church. This was well before anyone had heard news of any campaign plans of either of the opponents.
2. This website was also created before anyone in the Meyer/Erickson group knew of Lindsey Mosher’s website; evidence of this can be found in the date on the first Blog entry.
3. As for the T-shirts, neither Christof Meyer nor Kevin Erickson planned on or were involved in making them. Although several of their supporters did make T-shirts, this was not part of the Meyer/Erickson campaign plan.
4. Finally, the complaint about fliers is just silly. Everyone makes fliers for campaigning.

Really, all of these campaigning tactics are common, and just because someone does the same thing as someone else, regardless of the timing, does not necessarily mean that they are copying. Lighten up.

At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brenda says: We wish you both success in your endeavor! Our vote is definitely for you two! The best is yet to come!


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